This is an okay version but...
This leaves way too much to be desired. It's only 250k, it wouldn't kill you to add more stuff. I love Family Guy, and I know there is way more material than what's on this! I suggest you categorize all the characters into individual menus and edit clips to only repeat audio of individual characters. If I want to have a phone conversation with a random girl in a phone book as Quagmire, then I should have a menu with only Quagmire quotes. Get it?
Buttons with graphics are nice, but how about we just have regular buttons with a caption under it that says what the button will do. That'd be nice.
The quality of these clips suck. I can tell what they say, but it's still really tinny. 56k .mp3s would be better than this. I'm assuming you own the DVD's. Lift the audio from the box set and not from the internet! If you want a good program for recording from your computer, use Audacity. It's free and it even has a b/g noise removing program so you can get rid of computer hiss.
Lastly, wait until Season 4 comes out before you try to make V.2. It'll be out this month.